Treatment Options for Hypogonadism


Treatment Options for Hypogonadism Male hypogonadism occurs when the body is not producing enough testosterone. Testosterone is essential to a man’s overall health and development. It’s a sex hormone that plays a vital role in men’s masculine growth and development throughout puberty and also regulates sex drive and sperm production. Normally, testosterone levels increase as [...]

Treatment Options for Hypogonadism2022-01-19T14:45:56-05:00

Biofeedback: What is it, and how can it help control overactive bladders?


Biofeedback: What Is It, and How Can It Help Control Overactive Bladders? Men with overactive bladders experience powerful and frequent urges to urinate throughout the day and night. While this might not sound like a serious health issue, in reality, this is a condition that can severely impact a man’s quality of life, sleep, and [...]

Biofeedback: What is it, and how can it help control overactive bladders?2022-01-19T14:49:37-05:00

10 Tips to Keep Your Bladder Healthy


We take certain preventative measures to keep specific organs healthy as we age. For example, it's advisable for people to not smoke to ensure that their lungs stay healthy. When staying in or going out for a drink, we drink responsibly to protect our liver from becoming diseased. Diets around the world are based around [...]

10 Tips to Keep Your Bladder Healthy2022-02-22T17:58:01-05:00

Signs of Kidney Stones FAQ


Kidney stones are a buildup of salts and minerals that form inside your kidney. They come in various sizes and mineral compositions; however, the shared characteristic is the pain caused when an individual has to pass a stone or stones through their urinary tract. It takes four to 12 months for kidney stones to pass, [...]

Signs of Kidney Stones FAQ2022-02-22T18:02:32-05:00

What Is the Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction?


Erectile dysfunction is a common condition that affects over 30 million men a year in the United States. It’s no surprise that one of the most frequently asked questions doctors receive from their male patients is, “What’s the best treatment for erectile dysfunction?” However, just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s a natural part of [...]

What Is the Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction?2022-01-04T16:42:04-05:00



ADVANCED UROLOGY AND COVID-19 As we all do our part to fight a global pandemic, the team at Advanced will also continue to do our best to take care of our patients, our staff and our families. Generally, it makes sense to stay home and reduce the risk of transmission, as you [...]

ADVANCED UROLOGY AND COVID-192022-01-19T14:52:15-05:00

What Is Testicular Torsion?


What Is Testicular Torsion? Testicular injuries might be a common punchline on TV and in the movies, but this body part isn't just highly sensitive to blunt force and other injuries. It can also have significant impacts on men's health, including fertility and healthy sexual functioning. When left untreated, conditions like testicular torsion can be [...]

What Is Testicular Torsion?2021-12-16T18:31:48-05:00

How Does a Penile Implant Work?


How Does a Penile Implant Work? In cases where male patients are suffering from chronic erectile dysfunction that hasn't responded to other forms of treatment, doctors may recommend an intervention known as a penile implant. This minor surgical procedure can offer a safe and effective method of restoring the proper sexual function of the penis, [...]

How Does a Penile Implant Work?2021-11-29T15:57:00-05:00

What Does Having a High PSA Level Mean?


What Does Having a High PSA Level Mean? What Does Having a High PSA Level Mean? Your body fights off foreign substances like viruses or other diseases with proteins called antigens. Antigens are produced throughout the body and can indicate if there is a problem with a specific region. For example, men produce prostate-specific [...]

What Does Having a High PSA Level Mean?2021-11-29T15:58:03-05:00

Botox Bladder Injections: How Do They Help with Overactive Bladder?


Botox Bladder Injections: How Do They Help with Overactive Bladder? If you've ever had to get up in the middle of a movie, the middle of the meeting, or the middle of a meal to use the restroom—even though you went not too long ago—you may have overactive bladder. Overactive Bladder, sometimes referred to [...]

Botox Bladder Injections: How Do They Help with Overactive Bladder?2022-01-03T15:55:51-05:00